Boost your productivity with these cool VS Code shortcuts that every developer should know.

Visual Studio Code Keyboard Shortcuts Reference

As developers, we’re always obsessed with ways to streamline our workflow and boost productivity. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) offers numerous shortcuts to help us code more efficiently. In this article, we’ll explore some cool VS Code shortcuts that can significantly improve your coding experience.

Quick Reference Table

Jump to Matching BracketCmd + Shift + \Ctrl + Shift + \
Scroll Without Moving CursorCtrl + Fn + Up/Down ArrowCtrl + Up/Down Arrow
Show/Hide TerminalCmd + JCtrl + J
Expand/Shrink SelectionCtrl + Shift + Left/Right ArrowShift + Alt + Left/Right Arrow
Change TabCmd + Opt + Left/Right ArrowCtrl + PgUp/PgDn
Find SymbolCmd + TCtrl + T
Multi-Cursor (select next occurrence)Cmd + DCtrl + D
Multi-Cursor (add above/below)Cmd + Option + Up/Down ArrowCtrl + Alt + Up/Down Arrow
Quick File NavigationCmd + PCtrl + P
Toggle Line CommentCmd + /Ctrl + /
Rename SymbolF2F2
Open Command PaletteCmd + Shift + PCtrl + Shift + P

Detailed Explanations

  1. Jump to Matching Bracket

    • Mac: Cmd + Shift + \
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + \

    Quickly navigate between opening and closing brackets in nested code structures.

  2. Jump Multiple Lines Vertically (Custom shortcut)

    • Requires configuration in keybindings.json:
        "key": "ctrl+up",
        "command": "cursorMove",
        "args": {
            "to": "up",
            "by": "line",
            "value": 10
        "when": "editorTextFocus"
        "key": "ctrl+down",
        "command": "cursorMove",
        "args": {
            "to": "down",
            "by": "line",
            "value": 10
        "when": "editorTextFocus"

    Move the cursor 10 lines up or down at once for faster navigation in large files.

  3. Scroll Without Moving the Cursor

    • Mac: Ctrl + Fn + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

    Scroll through your code while keeping your cursor in the same position.

  4. Show/Hide Terminal

    • Mac: Cmd + J
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + J

    Quickly toggle the integrated terminal for running commands.

  5. Expand/Shrink Selection

    • Mac: Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow / Right Arrow
    • Windows/Linux: Shift + Alt + Left Arrow / Right Arrow

    Expand or shrink your selection based on code structure.

  6. Change Tab

    • Mac: Cmd + Opt + Left / Right Arrow
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn

    Quickly switch between open tabs in your editor.

  7. Find Symbol

    • Mac: Cmd + T
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + T

    Find classes, functions, or properties anywhere in your current editor session with fuzzy search.

  8. Multi-Cursor Editing

    • Select next occurrence:
      • Mac: Cmd + D
      • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + D
    • Add cursor above/below:
      • Mac: Cmd + Option + Up Arrow / Down Arrow
      • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow / Down Arrow

    Edit multiple occurrences of text simultaneously.

  9. Quick File Navigation

    • Mac: Cmd + P
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + P

    Open files in your project by typing part of the file name.

  10. Toggle Line Comment

    • Mac: Cmd + /
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + /

    Quickly comment or uncomment lines of code.

  11. Rename Symbol

    • Mac/Windows/Linux: F2

    Rename variables, functions, or classes across your entire project.

  12. Open Command Palette

    • Mac: Cmd + Shift + P
    • Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + P

    Access all of VS Code’s commands quickly.

By mastering these shortcuts, you’ll be able to navigate, edit, and manage your code more efficiently in VS Code. Remember, this allows you to work smarter but also other devs see you as a “pro”. wink wink.

Cheers! 🍺