Checking If an SObject Exists in a Salesforce Scratch Org

Checking If an SObject Exists in a Salesforce Scratch Org

To check if an SObject exists in a Salesforce scratch org, we can use the sfdx force:schema:sobject:list command. This command lists all the SObjects in the scratch org, along with their API names.

sfdx force:schema:sobject:list -c DeveloperName -u MyScratchOrg

In this command, -c DeveloperName specifies that the output should display the DeveloperName field of each SObject. -u MyScratchOrg specifies that the command should be executed on the MyScratchOrg scratch org.

The output of this command will be a list of all the SObjects in the scratch org, along with their API names. You can use this list to determine if a specific SObject exists in the scratch org.

Checking for SObject Metadata Programmatically

If you want to check if an SObject exists programmatically, you can use the Salesforce API or the sfdx CLI. Here’s an example of how to use the sfdx CLI to check for SObject metadata:

sfdx force:schema:sobject:describe --json -s MyCustomObject__c

In this command, MyCustomObject__c is the name of the custom object that you want to check for. The --json flag specifies that the output should be in JSON format.

If the object exists, the command will return a JSON string that contains the metadata for the object. If the object doesn’t exist, the command will return an error message.

Cheers! 🍺